2025 Winners
Elementary School Winners
1st Place
Nelly Lamneck (4th grade, Mountainside Intermediate School)
“Does a Broken Reed Change the Pitch?”
2nd Place
Hazel Dufilho (5th grade, Jackson Grammar School)
“Sourest Candy”
3rd Place
Vivian Klein (5th grade, Jackson Grammar School)
“Rise of the Cookies”
Middle School Winners
1st Place
Addy Jaus (7th grade, Josiah Bartlett Elementary School)
“Trashing Soil Pollution.”
2nd Place
Skyler Boris and Emmett O’Brian ( 7th grade, Josiah Bartlett Elementary School)
“Comparing Different Bounce Heights on Different Surfaces.”
3rd Place
Levi Roberts and Brighton Oliver (6th grade, Josiah Bartlett Elementary School)
“Powerful Paper.”
High School Winners
1st Place
Ayten Soylemez (11th grade, Fryeburg Academy)
“Language of Movement.”
2nd Place
Tomona Arai (10th grade, Fryeburg Academy)
“Effect of Transporter Mutation and Potassium on Radiocesium Distribution in Arabidopsis Thaliana from the Fukushima Nuclear Explosion Accident.”
3rd Place
Nia Lajoie (10th grade, Kennett High School)
“The Effects of Nicotine Products on the Gut Microbiome.”
MWObs Emerging Scientist Awards
Award 1
Max Morrow, (6th grade, Jackson Grammar School)
“Bolts and Wire.”
Award 2
Emily Fields, (9th grade, Kennett High School)
“Hot Topic: The Greenhouse Effect.”
White Mountains Connected Learning
Ecosystem Climate Exploration
Nora Williams, (6th grade, Kennett Middle School)
“How Does Climate Change Affect Seashells?”